"Our Little Trooper"

"Our Little Trooper"
"Let me live, that I may praise you!" Psalm 119:175

Sunday, July 31, 2016

"I don't know what the future's going to be like, but I know it's going to be awesome!"

There are several pictures that I have taken over the past few weeks and months that looked so poignant, so special, I just couldn't bring myself to share them at the time. I wanted to save them.  I wasn't sure why, but I knew they were important. 

Rowan and I were talking just now, about it being day -4, about how many days of chemo had left, how much longer we'd be in the hospital, and how much longer we'd be in Seattle.  He got the sweetest grin on his face and started staring out the window.  

I could tell he was deep in thought, so I asked him what he was thinking.  He said, "I'm so glad we took this chance.  I have a good feeling about it.  I don't know what the future's going to be like, but I know it's going to be awesome! And even if it's that I go to heaven, it was still worth a shot. And what's more awesome than heaven?"

That's when it hit me.  None of us know when we will go.  Most of us try not to think about it.  But Rowan is different.  Don't get me wrong, Rowan absolutely, 100% loves his life, and he loves living it to the fullest.  He doesn't want it to end, but he trusts God so much, that he's not afraid for it to.  He lives each day like that.  He fights so hard, but he never worries.  He trusts.  He simply trusts. He knows that whatever the future holds, whether it's here or in heaven, "it's going to be awesome!"

Either way... he has a lot to look forward to.  And then I realized, that is what those pictures I was saving were for.  They were for this post.  All were depicting him on a path.  Going down the road on his bike, walking down the path at the park, or sailing across the water on the ferry, looking forward...not a worry in the world, because he knows, he trusts...that whatever lies ahead is going to be awesome! No matter what.

I wish we all could have that sense of faith.
  It provides him with so much...



and hope...

and it's awesome!


  1. Rowan makes me realize how much I need to work on my faith! He is such an inspiration and I love seeing the posts and blogs about him!! Keep it up Rowen! Always in my prayers!

  2. We all have a lot to learn from rowan. Please tell him he's my hero! :-)

  3. I pray daily for your sweet Rowan and you all. He is a special boy! So brave and knowledgeable for being so young. Keep fighting Rowan! I believe in you! <3

  4. Nothing is more pure than a child who can live with such faith and trust. Who can look ahead and nit be afraid. It shows just what a wonderful job you are doing with him. For him to have seen friends move on to Heaven, and still have no fear. That speaks volumes. I applaude you. I admire him. I can only hope to live just a little bit more by his example. Praying as always.

  5. So inspiring Carrie, thank you for sharing these precious personal feelings. God bless you all.

  6. Rowan, so many us go through life never knowing what our purpose is here on earth. Because, we never stop and listen, trust, and have faith in God. But, you are an inspiration to us all. You have stopped listened , trusted and have faith to be an instrument of God to teach us all about about faith, love, humility, respect for mankind. If we could all be half the person you are this world would be a better place to be in. May God. Continue to bless you and your family with his healing hands

  7. Thank you Carrie...... THANK YOU ROWAN, you all are such an inspiration to me in so many ways! Much love and respect. God bless!

  8. We pray for your family and all of the family's affected by SDS every day. Thank you for sharing this little tid bit of yall's life with us. For we may never know your journey, these little glimpses allow us to look in and see so much at a time. You and Rowan are something amazing and special. Thank you.

  9. Kimbell said the exact same thing the night before we left for MN for transplant. Ironically she was 9 as well at the time. K is about to celebrate her 12th birthday and life is so much better. Not an easy road but so worth it in the end. The best advice given to me was from her BMT Doctor who said she's ready and committed. The train has left you need to get on it. Follow his lead, trust your gut, and treasure every moment. Many prayers

  10. Thank you so much for sharing these private times. I am so inspired by Rowan! What a truly amazing young man!! He is a true warrior! Stay strong Rowan! May God Bless you and your family and keep you always in the palm of His hand!
