"Our Little Trooper"

"Our Little Trooper"
"Let me live, that I may praise you!" Psalm 119:175

Friday, August 21, 2015

"Mommy, if I could make a time machine..."

Rowan said something last night, that was just so sweet, so special.  It sums up his heart and faith, perfectly.  It was just a sentence or two, but it deserves it's own entire blog post.  It's that important.

I was cooking or cleaning up in the kitchen.  I was most likely tired, and I'm sure I wished I was in bed already.  And out of the blue, Rowan said, "Mommy, if I could make a time machine, I would go back in time and live my life all over again.  That's how much I love my life."

Talk about being stopped in your tracks.  Talk about perspective.  Oh how I wish we all loved our lives as much as Rowan does.  If you took the time to read or calculate all he's been through in 9 short years- the doctors, the medicines, the "pokes", the fevers, the surgeries, the hospitalizations, the funerals, etc., you would realize... if he can love his life, how can I complain about mine...ever. 

Because, in good times...

...or even in bad...

Rowan loves his life enough to live it over again.

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