Our family was able to go to the beach last weekend, the day after Rowan got out of the hospital once again. Rowan was looking forward to it so much. Last Summer we were never able to make it, so it had been two years since he had seen the ocean, or played in the sand. He had big plans, for having a lot of fun at the beach and fishing for the first time...
... but also for sending a few special messages to his friends in Heaven, by writing in the sand. He had me pack 3 very special t-shirts, one for each of his friends in Heaven.
Once we were done writing all 3 messages in the sand, Rowan sat down and did this...
I just love how you can tell he is literally lifting his prayers up to God, and his friends. His smile is so peaceful and comforting. And look at this one! I found this picture from 5 years ago, where he had done the same thing... after having me write, "I miss you Princess Chrissie."
It brings instant tears to my eyes, to see him reaching out to his friends in Heaven, but with such a sweet smile. This is a perfect picture of true worship, isn't it?!
But wait, there's more...
While looking at the rest of our pictures from the beach this past weekend, Rowan and I came across this one...
I don't know if the camera lens got dirty, or why it came out so dark and weird, or what that bright light is, especially because the following picture was taken immediately after this one, like within seconds of each other.
Anyway, I said, "Weird, that one is so dark." And Rowan replied, "Yeah, but look at that bright light. It was God opening the door of Heaven a little bit, so my friends could see me! They got my messages and were there with me at the beach."
Oh Rowan, I just love how you love your friends, and how you trust God, with a completely open heart. You never miss the signs. You always see the light in the darkness. I want to be like you. And I'm so glad God opens the door of Heaven a little bit, so your friends can still be with you.